Collaborative Transport Information - System Design, Location Model and Search Algorithm


Ali Kerem Ulug
MSc. Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

The best way to learn how to get from one location to another is usually to ask a person who knows the path. A person with an expertise on the desired path will be able to combine necessary transportation knowledge and offer the best path. On the other hand, a person has expertise on a limited number of paths. This important drawback can be eliminated by combining people\'s knowledge in digital environment; in a collaborative environment. In our work, we are providing a web based solution, in which a flexible location model exists such that any kind of location and transportation information can be entered to the system by the users. Our search algorithm enables querying the system for paths. We have designed methods to decrease the search space and increase search speed. We also provide a rollback mechanism by which any piece of information entered to the system can be removed. Trust mechanism is also provided so that users that are entering incorrect data to the system can be identified and removed from the system together with the data that they have entered. We also focus on the fact that we can use automatic data extraction methods by which we can gather data by using bots that are crawling transportation providers\' web sites.


DATE: 7 May, 2007, Monday@ 16:20